A child awaits her turn to fill in a bucket of water in a gypsy slum of Chennai. Water that comes from the ground, polluted by the scums of society and industrialization. Living around garbage and deceases. Gypsies today are openly being discriminated in many parts of India as a lower cast of humans.
You have seen them, working as jewelry makers on the streets, rubbish collectors, beggars and street performers. Only used today as a showcase of culture. Like any other tribe, not as part of the human race.
They are talented and colorful people with a culture surviving way before our time. A Romany culture that been around since the Maharaja times in Punjab, nomads, spreading across Persia, Turkey, Greece, Europe, Spain, Russia, Finland, Egypt and Morocco..
Where they were respected and treated as people of life. A culture which is slowly disappearing.
Does this child look like an outcast?
(Gypsy Slum – Chennai, India)