The Homeless Without Celebrations | Diwali

The Homeless Without Celebrations | Diwali


The Homeless Without Celebrations

The sound of fireworks are still exploding here in India, a sound that has been going on since Diwali festival started a week ago. For some Deepavali in the south. The festival of lights, life and love. A festival where families get together to start a new chapter of life, decorating minds and celebrating spirits.

While many of us get into this festive times, while many of us share the experience of light and sound with prayers to ask for more, there are these Gypsy children here in India who have nothing. Living in camps made of used clothing, tarp and plastic.

Nothing to celebrate, nothing new to wear, nothing new to share. They come out begging for food, money and fireworks. Just walking by us with the silents of poverty, just the sense of joy that they get listening to all the explosive fireworks played by other children. Children with homes. 

They walk around the streets hearing these loud sounds, looking at bright lights, as how the animals here do too. I can’t stop myself comparing them with the other beings here, the camels, the cows, the dogs and the birds who slept in fear. Or didn’t sleep at all. Not being part of this festival, a celebration of life and love. But merely being in fear. Being observers, being alone.

So let us today not only share this happiness and celebration with family and friends, but with these beings too, who have been left out, left alone in the dark. Let us today be considered of all those children living in the slums, in camps, animals and other beings who are disconnected with our believes.

Let’s share this festival of lights and sounds with a little consideration and compassion of the other beings. Let’s celebrate life with them in our thoughts, to invite them into our homes and letting them be part of a little something.

Take a moment today to also think about these children, these animals, the other beings, those who have been forgotten. Give them a little of your space today, give them a few seconds of your thoughts today. 

Happy Diwali. 


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