Give Them Light | A Solar Light For A Kerosene Lamp

Give Them Light | A Solar Light For A Kerosene Lamp

On the 8th November 2013, a 300kph super typhoon destroyed Panay Island, Philippines and left millions homeless. As a result of the catastrophe, thousands are living with no electricity power, and are living in the dark after 6pm.

“Living with a kerosene lamp, is like smoking 40 cigarettes a day”. Nokero International.

The villagers there are using self-made kerosene lamps from reusable bottles as their source of light. They are expected to struggle like this for another 6 months, until electricity is reinstated in the rural villages.

“Would you pay RM 48 (US$ 15) to buy one solar light for a shelter of one family?”. 

A brief story of the survivors of Panay Island.

Panay Island is located 500km away from Manila. It was the last island where the typhoon Haiyan passed after Tacloban on 8th November 2013. Although it has been almost three months since typhoon Haiyan hit Panay Island, thousands still sit in the dark after 6pm in their temporary shelters.

We visited the village of Crossing Lais, Binutucan, a small fisherman island called Loguingot, Estancia and many other small villages. The total population here is over 1200 people, with about 200 families. Sadly, many of the villagers live in temporary make shift shelters that leaks badly when it rains, no clean water and without electricity as of today.



iMKIRAN & Friends would like to donate a minimum of 1,000 Nokero Solar Powered Lights to the villages, Crossing Lais, Butacal, Olotayan and others in Panay Island. With your help we can light up a whole village.

Purchase a Nokero Solar light today at —>  GIVE THEM LIGHT


The children of Crossing Lais in Panay Island have so much hope in their eyes today as they know we are here to help. This 3 boys run out daily to greet us each time they see me walk into their village. We then spend time playing hide and seek or basket ball.

They live in shelters which have no lights and they use candles or kerosene lamps after dark to eat, spent time with mom and play. There are more than 1000 homes in Panay Island in this same condition.

The kids at Crossing Lais following us around while we do the assessment of the village and homes that would need the solar light.

This is baby Arlene Villar, she was born in this new home build by the NGO, United Sikhs in January 2014. Today this family still lives with make shift kerosene lamps and candles. We can help make a small difference in giving them a healthy way of living with clean solar lights. 

The evening sun sets here in Crossing Lais with beautiful faces. The children here come out to play till 5.45pm and them get back home, where there is still no electricity. A 300kph super typhoon destroyed most of Panay Island, Philippines. The villagers there are using self-made kerosene lamps from reusable bottles as their source of light. 

“Are the puppies yours?” “No I’m just helping the mom here.” Puppies born in a village that has been totally destroyed by the Haiyan Typhoon, children here still live with electricity. 

At the local village that was destroyed by Typhoon Haiyan, Philippines – Today in Crossing Lais. “What are your favorite past times here?” ” I like to play volleyball, my younger brother plays basketball and my other brother also plays basketball.” “Basketball is a big deal here. isn’t it?” “Yes!” “What did you do when the typhoon came?” “We ran to my cousins house, it’s made of concrete” Ednalyn 15, Edwin 13, Ervin 8, the Baclor family.

This is Edzalmaa, she is 2 weeks old. She was born in this temporary shelter in an island village called Olotayan, off the coast of Roxas. This island was destroyed by the Haiyan super typhoon. The mother breastfeeds her during nights with the kerosene lamp as a light source. They still have no electricity on this island.

We met this beautiful little girl Riza Arroyo, 10 months old at a village island called Olotayan, Roxas. They Arroyo family of five still live without electricity or basic needs. The mother prepares food for the children with the kerosene lamps they have in their home.

Baby Riza also has cleft lip, and yes she would need to have a small surgery for it. The mother would like her to have the procedure done but they can’t afford it. We are planning to raise funds for her but still getting all the necessary details for it.

This is also a home from this fisherman village. It has all the necessary needs like a hall, dining, bedroom, kitchen, bathroom and toilet, all in this one space. 

Purchase a Nokero Solar light today. GIVE THEM LIGHT


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