A Beautiful Native Neighbour in Senegal

A Beautiful Native Neighbour in Senegal

I’ve always heard her voice from a distance but never seen her before. She was on the other side of the wall in between our rural homes. A week had passed, then one windy morning, as I was just waking up, she came around from the back of her traditional hut and finally came to say hello.

She has rarely seen a foreigner around here, as they called me ‘Tu Bap’ (white man) in their neighbourhood. She heard about me from her daughters and was elated to finally meet. I was too as she had this quiet presence, a shy energy and a beautiful spirit.

She stood there for while, silently just watching me, as I was the main attraction for most of the villagers there, and the moment I smiled and said good morning in her native language, Wolof, “Subha Sang Fi?” (How is your morning?), she was overwhelmed, with a big laughter and excited to get closer.

We had a few moments of connections and smiles, she held my hand, looked deep into my eyes and touched me as part of her own family. She asked where I came from. I asked about her family. We laughed for no reason as we were both excited. I asked if I could take this portrait of hers, so we could keep this moment as part of our memories forever.

She was my beautiful native neighbour.

(Karang Village | Senegal)



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