Are You All Talk and No Action?

Are You All Talk and No Action?


Hi there young Asians, mainly the Malaysians youth as I know you better. How many of us really take part in making a difference for another? How many are still stuck in their own unrealistic social ‘bubble’ that you just ignore seeing life and reality itself? You only see what your friends are doing, wish you had a better job, wish you made more money or wish you had better lives? Your reality seem to be reflecting around the group of friends and family you are around. 

With social media today, it’s easy to get out and it’s easy to put likes or comments on a post about your friends, things you like and wished for, look at selfies, parties, movies, watch conspiracy theories, read about children in poverty, then you sit back, grab a cup of coffee and watch the world from behind your screens.

The next day, you wake up and go back to your routine stressful life again. But these children, poor villages, those suffering around the world will continue to suffer while you drive to the saloon to fix your hair, take more selfies or buy that new football shoes that will eventually be hiding in your closest. I’m not saying I don’t appreciate the awareness, but what I don’t get is how many of you young Malaysians just ignore what life is really about. Why aren’t you chasing hard for your dreams? How many times have I listened to others saying they wish to do something but nothing happens. But when it comes to doing something about it, they go silent or walk away into the same ‘bubble’ or the conditioning that you think what life really is.

Here is the truth, and you can share this to any parent today! We been trained or brainwashed by our parents, friends, media and society thinking that life is about money, that job title, getting married, a new car and that new condo. That’s the nature and reality for many today, it’s their consuming world.

It’s a sad thing that many are still stuck in this social systems designed by those who want you to keep doing what they did, out of control, fear and pride. We forget the ultimate truth out there, we are merely visitors here in this universe and as humans somehow we are all connected, and to truly love yourself, we need to have a complete realisation of knowing ourselves, to let go of this system and be totally free. So how and when did we loose this connection?

My father did the same too, he was parenting based on fear as he was brought up this same way. “Don’t fail exams, or you will not be successful!”. “Get a good job, so you can make money!”. “If you don’t have money, you will never be secure and happy!”. “As long as you live under my roof, you do what I say!”. “We are living in a society, not in the jungle. So we do what society does!” “Get a real job! what is this photo photo thing!?”. Conditions imprinted into us at the very young age.

What happen to us? Are we growing up to be like our parents or our forefathers who turn Malaysians into this? Do we only wish to live in this lifetime with money as a goal, consuming, a society to please and corporations brainwashing us?

Do not blame your parents, but see the truth for ourselves and let go of all this. The time is now, to break this cycle. 

In my travels, I have met many young friends from Europe, Australia, Asia and other foreign regions, who are really taking conscious actions and doing something about their lives today, backpacking, remote working, volunteering, making a change and travelling across the world.

They travel, leave their homes, leave their social circles and get something done! Just to gain experience and exposure of the world out there. So young and trying to explore life. How about you, my young Malaysians? How many of you have really thought about leaving your comfortable ‘nest’ and going out there in making a small difference or exploring life?

How many of you have really done it and are not still just talking about it? I assure you the experience and change you will gain is priceless, and no one will understand this but you. Once you wear the glasses of self awareness, it is only for you to see. No travel blog, no travel story or others telling you how cool it was going for a holiday, its not the same. Your experience is only for you to know and feel. No other.

I am a Malaysian too. I know you. I have lived among you. Remember I was the same too, I let it all go and found my freedom, A peace of mind. So can you so start doing something soon. I need you to truly believe this can happen and we the ‘Youth’ can be proactive today. Trust yourself and do what you truly are happy about. Listen to the voice of your passion, it is always right. 

No matter what anyone tells you, only you alone can decide what’s your path, happiness and truth. Don’t do it for me, do it for yourself, do it to inspire another, join a volunteer program, travel around the world. Get out there, travel, explore and you will see life again. Forget the money for now, forget success based on professions, forget your ego and pride to show another how well you are doing, that is all just an illusion.

It doesn’t really exist as it’s part of the system, and you are living for it, working for it. Forget the fear as its only in your mind, the future is not what you have been told as it only exist in the present. You can choose your own way of life, listen to your heart, be honest with yourself and follow your intuition. 

I leave you with this thought..

“To find that connection to yourself and the universe is magical. But it will take you to the edge to see what it’s all about. Life then appears like you are seeing it for the very first time.”


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