114th Baha’i Youth Conferences India | Lucknow

114th Baha’i Youth Conferences India | Lucknow

I was lucky to be part of this amazing Baha’i youth conference held on 11th -13th October 2013 in Lucknow, India, taking part as a photographer, connecting with more and meeting many new friends.

With about 2000 youth from about 200 different districts came together in this international event, and over the course of three days they spoke about youth empowerment, spiritual education and contributing to the society. Very much like a summer camp or ‘Samelan’ as we have it here in Malaysia.

“The Bahá’í Faith traces its origin to 1844 and the announcement by a young man, Siyyid ‘Alí-Muhammad, in Shiraz, Persia (now Iran), that He had been sent by God to prepare humanity for a new age and the imminent appearance of another Messenger even greater than Himself.

Siyyid ‘Alí-Muhammad took the title of the Báb (meaning “Gate” in Arabic) and said the one whose coming He foretold would be the universal Manifestation of God sent to inaugurate an age of peace and enlightenment as promised in all the world’s religions.

The Báb’s teachings, which spread rapidly, were viewed as heretical by the clergy and government of Persia. More than 20,000 of His followers, known as Bábís, perished in a series of massacres throughout the country.” – Bahai.org

More info: Bahai Youth Conference

A special thank you to Gauri Grazia De SantisVargha Moghbelpour and Abhishek Kumar Maurya for inviting me.

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